My name is Declan Frawley. I am a 20 year old software engineering major studying at Drexel University and residing in Philadelphia. I grew up on the Internet during what was arguably it’s golden age, so I am relatively skilled with computers and technology as a whole. I learned the basics of HTML and some rudimentary programming. When looking for a field of study to pursue in university, software engineering appeared to be an obvious choice. Another perk of growing up on the Internet is growing up with the content it hosted. After spending a considerably large chunk of my childhood watching early YouTube videos and Newgrounds animations, I found myself intrigued in filmmaking and online content creation. I always had a passion for creating ametuer home videos, and that passion has evolved alongside and stayed with me up to today. While I make my way through college I am working towards a career in comedy and online content creation. I make the occasional production on YouTube and Twitch. However these days I am most active and prominent on TikTok making sketches, parodies, semi-satirical rants, and memes. If I am not working on school or creating content, you will most likely find me playing video games.